Irish Giants & Assassins Creed

A particular interesting story connection here :

 " When Charles Byrne, a 7-foot-7 man known popularly as the Irish Giant,” was on his deathbed in June 1783, he made a final request of his friends: that his body be buried at sea to stop surgeons from dissecting his remains. " -



( Redhead- later that man gets an elongated skull when merged with the energy of fear  - Green Lantern movie )

Ireland is mentioned many times in Assassins Creed ( one of the top biggest games ever ) along with Irish characters

Assassins creed main plot elements is about whats called the first civilization / Isu which in truth is detailing the reality of the Atlantean period :

  • " The Isu are an ancient and highly-advanced species of humanoid beings who were active on Earth during the eponymous era several millennia before the rise of even the most ancient human civilizations. The Isu were responsible for the creation of the Pieces of Eden, powerful artifacts and weapons that augmented their already superhuman abilities, as well as forming the human race itself.Their history shrouded in mystery, the Isu ruled over Earth roughly 77,000 years ago, before they were largely wiped out, alongside many of their human creations, during the Great Catastrophe. By that point, the Isu had been in a decade-long war with a human rebellion led by two hybrids, Adam and Eve, who sought to free humanity from servitude to their "gods".Following the Great Catastrophe, the Isu population rapidly declined to the point of near extinction within the century, but their legacy would live on for thousands of years through myth and legend, becoming the focal point of many human religions, whether polytheistic or monotheistic. Further still, those Pieces of Eden that survive the Great Catastrophe also influenced early man’s development and eventually became a pivotal desire for both the Templar Order and the Assassin Brotherhood, who waged a war of their own for control of the Pieces, and by extension humanity’s future." -
  • " also known as Those Who Came Before,[3] the Precursors,[4] or Homo Sapiens Divinius[5] as classified by Abstergo Industries, were an ancient and advanced species of humanoid beings that were amongst the first known to call Earth their home.Unlike most other species on Earth since, the First Civilization possessed a triple-helix DNA.[5] They were responsible for the creation of the Pieces of Eden, as well as the human race itself, whom they used as a domestic workforce. With early humans unable to comprehend the First Civilization for what they truly were, they were looked upon as gods.." -
  • "Atlantis was an ancient and advanced Isu city...During the Isu Era, Atlantis was created to be an indestructible repository of Isu knowledge where both members of the First Civilization and humanity could co-exist.[1] The city was originally ruled by the Isu Atlas but he was supplanted by his power-hungry father, the Trident King Poseidon, who gave Atlas and his nine brothers the subordinate position of Archon to manage the city's affairs.[2]" -

Desmond : 

Speaking of assassins remember Dr Evil's employee?


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