Irish & Scottish Genetics Connections


  • "an ethnic group and nation native to Scotland. Historically, they emerged in the early Middle Ages from an amalgamation of two Celtic peoples, the Picts and Gaels, who founded the Kingdom of Scotland (or Alba) in the 9th century."



  • "Many of the genetic patterns found were similar to the genes found in Gaels, Picts, Britons and the Norse"



  • "people from Ireland, Britain, or Scotland tend to be genetically similar"



  • "Scotland and Ireland are close neighbors, and it is no surprise that commercial ancestral Y-DNA testing and the resulting hundreds of Y-DNA Case Studies conducted at Scottish and Irish Origenes have revealed lots of shared ancestry among males with Scottish or Irish origins"



  • "The term “Scot” was originally the name of an Irish tribe who settled in what later became Scotland in the 6th century AD. There were already people living there called the Picts."
  • "The Scots are primarily descended from the Gaelic-speaking Celts who migrated from Ireland to what is now Scotland in the early Middle Ages. Over time, they developed their own distinct culture, language (Scots Gaelic), and traditions. Scotland eventually became a separate kingdom with its own monarchy and institutions."



  • "are descended from the native Picts and populations that invaded the land."



  • "It all depends upon which area of Scotland that one's family hails from. Most Scots from its west coast tend to share a very strong genetical linkage with the Irish, going back over 1500 years to the first migrations of the ancient Gaelic/stone age Irish tribes from northeast & northwest Ireland."

  • "Although there was a very strong Pictish establishment in that area the invading Irish soon established themselves as a powerful presence, both sweeping away & absorbing the older Pictish elements. Therefore the genetical foundation of western Scotland is largely that of a Gaelic Irish-Pictish hybridization."


 Lastly it is important to mention that Scotland is 2nd place to Ireland for highest percent of redheads.





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